Escape from New York
I'm back from my cross-country jaunt. It was a great trip, and I'm at that anguishing moment where I can feel the last of my vacation slip away before reality slaps me in the face. As soon as I finish this, I'll be dragging my jetlagged self over to bed and tomorrow will be the dreaded return to work.
Chicago and New York were both great experiences. There are many things about the trip that I want to memorialize in this medium soon. Most likely it'll be spread over a couple of posts.
There's just one thing that I want to mention right away. For Sandra this trip was partially about business. She had a class to take. For me, this trip was about having a good time and seeing some good friends that I don't see enough. Every step of the way, people I am lucky enough to call friends, spent their time and energy making my trip as simple and enjoyable as possible. I feel rich for having these people in my lives, yet poor for knowing I could never have enough time to spend with them. Sandra and I owe all of them a thanks and an invitation to California to return the favor.
It's just another reminder. It's about the people not the bling bling.