Monday, February 23, 2009

$42 billion money pit.

After a timeframe seemingly as long as an elephant's gestational period, the state legislature has finally completed a budget. 6 Republicans crossed the aisle to get a deal done. The state Republican party has already passed a punitive measure by cutting each of these 6 off from any party funds for their re-election campaigns in 2010. Wow. Maybe even more than the Republicans in DC, the local party seems intent on their own destruction. I can't say that I understand any of the budget issues in California, but here are my observations. Californians do pay the highest state income tax of any state in the country. But that's somewhat artificial because we also have a property tax system that's below market because its capped depending on when you purchased your property. If you brought it sometime before 1978 or so, you are golden. Part of the deal is it also takes 2/3 of the legislature to make any budget changes. That's a very high fraction and that's why we end up unable to complete a budget any year. It's worse than the filibuster stopper. Add to that, that the governor before Arnie tried to re-instate previously existing motor vehicle fees and he paid for it with his political life and we ended up with Conan the Barbarian as our governor.

I can understand the Republican impulse to reduce taxes. LIke I said, if you look at it from a pure income tax view, you can at least make the argument. But these people have their head in the sands. Tax cuts don't solve everything. To argue that tax cuts are the only solution and the only way to make up $42 billion is insane. $42 billion without any increase in revenue? More than anything, it seems like they're hellbent on the complete and utter destruction of the state. I can't see my way to any other rationale for it.

Even Arnie has come around to acknowledging some new revenue was necessary. But there aren't any real long term fixes yet. Next year, we'll go through the same fight as this year and the one before and the one before that. There are fundamental flaws. I'm hoping they get around to fixing them and this great state can get back on the right path.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rooster thing works.

Our little baby has flipped her night and days after two days with the rooster. Don't ask me why it works, but the little experiment is a resounding success.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Upside down rooster

Old wive's tale I heard today. If you hang a picture of an upside down rooster by your little baby. The baby will change her hours. Right now my kid is a nightowl and I'm desparate enough to try this. Stay tuned to see if it works. I've already heard one person swear it works.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My ears are going.

I just wanted to rant a little about how I never hear any good music anymore. Radio has truly become a wasteland. I spend most of my time listening to NPR these days. American Idol and Rockband, although enjoyable for their quirks, just bring the artistry down even further. And honestly, all the cool friends I used to have that listened to cool music. I don't know those people anymore. People in California are just comfortable with music not being that essential.

And the music industry churns out bad stuff and kills itself and doesn't even realize it. Just stuff to fill the ears and not offend or leave any impression. But here is what really gets me. If someone does have an original song or an original idea, the music industry goes out of its way to beat it into the ground.

Three ways. First they over expose it putting it on every station, so you can't help but hear it until it makes you want to vomit. Second, they find as many poor imitations as they can and put them out, to make the original artist, not look so original. Three, they let celebutards make music. (Okay, this last one is mostly a matter of taste.) According to what I've recently read, there is new software out three that makes singers better than they actually are. It modulates music so each note sung is pefectly on pitch. Rockband aside, anyone can be a star as long as they can carry the image. Really, in the long run, this isn't good for the music industry.

And a little sidenote that is not 25 things about me. First rock concert was the Who on their 25th anniversary tour. Best concert I've been to, Vienna Teng. It was a small intimate venue for a talented Asian American piano player. What's not to like. Last concert silver haired Billy Joel for Wifey's birthday a while back.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First O Talk

I have to say, it's very refreshing to see Obama give a press conference. After 8 years of furrowed eyebrows, butchered syntax, and the complete avoidance of a single answered question, it's nice. This guy is thoughtful and makes his point. THis is what I got yesterday. We're in a mess and that mess is not my fault. Although it's probably not accurate to say 8 years of failed policy, it's fair to say that the Republican philosophy has been in large part discredited. Tax cuts are not the answer for all problems good and small, in good times and bad. It's just not how it works. And his second point is that we need to do something quickly and effectively. We can't afford to do nothing. The Republicans have been attacking this as "pork". But the big O is right in pointing out that stimulus means spending a few bucks. And a lot of it is about investments in our future. Simply calling it pork and voting No, isn't going to help.

I'm still trying to figure out what the republicans are trying to accomplish. Do they really want to just say no to everything.

I'm also trying to figure out how much O can accomplish after this bill. Essentially, there won't be another dollar to spend. Unless things turn around quickly, that might be all that he gets to in the next few years.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Do your taxes correctly.

Sort of curious to see all these public figures with appointments on the line who don't know how to pay their taxes. I guess this guy didn't realize that a full time driver would be more than just a gift. If I ever have a personal driver, I'll remember not to make that mistake. It looks bad. It makes us all feel there are bankers and politicians who don't have to follow the rules of the rest of us. So I understand that this would be an issue. But it's also disappointing. I hope this doesn't put back healthcare reform too far off the agenda.