Games We Play
I'm pretty sure most people don't do this with their kids.
Games with the Little One.
Hat On/Hat Off. She obviously doesn't love to wear hats. So most kids would get annoyed at this really fast, but she seems to find great joy in pulling hats off her head over and over again.
Find the radio.
She loves music. If you put her down on the floor, she races to flip the radio on. I usually let her get there the first time. After that, I'll pick her up and put her on the floor on the other side of the room. I usually have about thirty seconds of free time before she races over to whack the radio again.
Games with the Big One.
Hippo Is Looking At Me!
This is a variation of a game that my brother used to play. In his game, he would leave a stuffed cow at various unexpected places to freak people out. In this variation, my kid chases me around with a giant purple hippo.
Where am I sleeping?
I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but my child doesn't like the very nice Scandinavian Design bed she had been provided. Instead she will find various places throughout the house to sleep at night. Her room, spare bedroom, living room, or even the floor in my bedroom. She'll set up camp, make her bed obsessively so each blanket even covers the entire sleeping area, then go to sleep. I'm happy to see that she seems adaptable to change. Beyond that, I'm not sure what to make of it.
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