Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Office Place

As an overworked individual I try to keep my office as inhospitable to outsiders as possible. Paper covers every inch of my desk. Some of it in folders, but most of it loose paper that flaps anytime anyone breathes too hard. My chair is the only chair in this room. I keep my bike across the desk so people need to stand between my bike and my pile of papers when they want to talk to me. I keep no supplies. No one can borrow a pen, a stapler or even a paperclip from me.

I have also been experimenting wtih various forms of music to see what reduces the walk through traffic. Most forms of rock and pop music don't faze people. And for some reason femminist punk seems to attract people. It seems raggae and African music is the best at keeping people away. It's just another reason to like that music.

I've been thinking of taking that one last step and closing the door, but I think people would think I was making myself unavailable.


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