Monday, August 15, 2005

New Naming Convention.

There is some value in names. There are a bunch of GOP types who routinely refer to their mild opponents as the Democrat Party. They drop "ic" at the end of the word, Democratic. It could just be a party wide inability to speak or it could just be a way to annoy the Democrats and make the Dems sound just a little off kilter and not mainstream. It's subtle and it's worked.

In fairness, I feel like I owe the Republicans a name. Sure, the Demosquids lack backbone, but the G.O.P. lacks morals, heart, ethics and a host of other attributes that are far more ruinous to the rest of us. Repulsicans, Republicraps. Rich White Guys Out to Screw the World? I've thought about it a bit, and settled on another animal totem. Henceforth in my blogverse they are the Republiskunks.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

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