Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Transforming Demosquids

I've been reading Ted Rall's Book, "You're Liberal How we can take America back from the Right." I know no one else will ever read this book, so let me just summarize Chapter 3. It talks about issues where most American's fall on the American side, but Demosquids have failed to capitalize. They might not be the top issue in people's minds, but they are issues that are winable.

1. Healthcare. Greedy HMOs and Healthcare companies = healthcare costs rising faster than any other costs. Too many uninsured. Even those insured have bad deals. This is killing our economy and bad care for most.

2. Minimum wage increase. Helps reduce state welfare rolls. Pushes up payscale for everyone. Increases consumer spending. And basic moral principle. Working 40 hours a week should allow for basics like food, shelter and medical care.

3. College Tuition. Replace student loans with grants. Many students priced out of education. We are generating pre-bankrupted youth. Banks are making a killing off these loans.

4. Vacation Time. Americans take less vacation than anyone. It's a quality of life issue.

5. Price Fixing. A lot of collusion goes on despite antitrust legislation.

6. Free Trade Run Amok. NAFTA has led to more pollution and lost jobs.

7. Crises in schools. There are too many bad schools in America. Mostly it's a matter of wealth distribution. Suburban schools use high property taxes. Inner cities use state aid.

8. Quality of life issues.
a. Do Not Email Registry
b. Order corporations to offer free tech support for a set number of years after purchase of their products.
c. ban on-line cookies, trojan horses and other programs that invade personal privacy.
d. force airlines to refund money for non-weather related delays and/or give away unused first class seats.
e. fine businesses without enough service clerks to handle customers
f. elimiate ATM fees
g. revive better business bureau with on-line postings for everyone to see

I'm not sure I agree with absolutely everything he says, but it's at least interesting food for thought.


At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Health care costs are rising at a quick rate and I hope something can be done to control the costs of coverage.


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