Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Boss Nass & a celestial I know.

As one of the three required pieces of flair on my desk, (See Office Space if you don't get it) I have a Star Wars Action Figure sitting by my monitor. It's Boss Nass-Jar Jar's ruler. The little green guy is here because I really have no place else for a Star Wars action figure and my wife got it for me after she lost a bet. It is a reminder of one of my few victories agaist her. I can't remember exactly what the bet was, but I think she thought Cal was going to win a basketball game.

Anyhow my flair got me in an interesting little conversation yesterday afternoon. My coworker used to date someone at Lucas films. The guy had to write some article and ended up using her uniquely Hungarian name as the name of the planet and her last name as the capitol city on that planet. Now in every Star Wars compendium or map, she is forever immortalized as a icy cold planet (I didn't ask, but I wonder if she dumped him). She says its a minor planet, not in any of the movies, but mentioned in some of the books. For the geeks, a whole history exists with ruling families and naming conventions and stuff. How cool is that?

Anyway cool coworker mentioned that the new movie is coming out. I guess I have to see it, but after the last one I'm not really expecting too much.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Internal Confusion

Heart says, "Pump to the right. Make that side strong." Brain says, "I lean to the left. That is the side of artists. That should be strong." Soul says, "Do what feels natural. Do what feels good. Trust yourself." Hands say, "Ask the other hand."

What it all adds up to is I have the kind of balance where I can stand on skates, but not the kind to carry a tray across the room. I have the kind of motor skills where I can play the piano but don't watch me eat draw or try to write my name. I always lose at Pictionary.

For the most part, I end up listening to the soul. I end up doing things in my own unique fashion. It's been enought years that I'm comfortable with that.

Monday, April 11, 2005


Two days are enough if you're sitting at home, relaxing and watching a ballgame. But that's seldom the case. Usually, the wife and I spend our weekends, running from place to place taking care of all the things we can only take care of on the weekends. I'm still waiting for the 6 hour work day and 4 day work week. Then I might be able to get to somethings done.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A new season

If turnstyles are any indication, fans of baseball accept that steroids aren't an issue. People have been turning out in droves and everyone hopes that this is their season. And I'll have to admit, the issue bothers me a little but doesn't stop me from paying attention.

The issue is sort of like steak, as long as you don't see watch how a four legged animal becomes a dinner entree, you can swallow it. As long as we don't watch Bonds with a needle in his arm, we can pretend what he is doing is truly great. Baseball is going to do just enough to keep Congress off their backs and we're sheep for accepting it.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Which Cheek?

At times I can be a very opinionated person. Not it a manipulative mom sort of way, but in a stick-my-nose where it might not belong sort of way. At these moments I can't help myself, as I opine about other people’s actions, behavior, or even their way of thinking.

Usually I only do this when I get peeved at something. Maybe this is okay. I should be an advocate for the things I believe in and spread the word, change the world, make a difference. I should let people know how I feel. But I also know when I get in that mode, I can rub people the wrong way. I can get rude and obnoxious. So is there a proper time to rebuke someone and a proper time to turn the other cheek?

I'm a lawyer by training and have forgotten how to see things in black and white. There’s a lot of gray, but I think the thing to think about is context. If you're at a ballgame or a fast food joint 300 miles from home and you hear a racial slur you might let it go. If it comes from a friend, a co-worker, or a child, you should say something. If someone at the other table is about to order an endangered Chilean Sea Bass for dinner, maybe you let it go. If it's someone at your own table, maybe you should comment on the tragic turn that species is taking. (But still, try and remember ultimately it isn't your meal)

If you don't say something, your friends and family will never learn to value your opinion. And you’ll forever have to put up with whatever offensive remark, habit, or sin over and over again. So if the context is right, I think it's great to let your thoughts be known. We can all use help to be better people and vote for the right political candidates. That’s probably better than pouring thoughts into a blog that no one is ever going to read.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My April Fool

My dear wife is feeling a bit gullible at the moment because she fell for an intricate April Fool's Day joke. A friend pretended to have secretly gotten married. She called the friend and offered heart felt congratulations. She went on-line and started shopping for an apropriate wedding present and plane tickets so we could go visit. She even talked to work so she could rearrange her work schedule to go on vacation. Now she feels completely betrayed and will never speak to this 'friend' again.

I've always known that my wife had a gullible side. She thought that I was semi-normal and apropriate marriage material. She's still getting over that one too.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Good Bye Terri

From all accounts, you were a shy girl who shunned the limelight. It's a sad irony that your legacy will be the most public display of death and family at its ugliest.

The moral questions are the hard ones. I tend to believe these are very personal decision and not something to be determined by the religious right. It's God's will, but your life. But the rights and wrongs are pretty fuzzy. It's curious watching the Pope suffer as well. Would they ever pull the plug on him? What would that say to the world?

The political questions are the easy ones. Congress embarrassed it self by getting involved in this family matter. Some politicians obviously cared nothing for you and were simply trying to score political points. Yet I think Congress has found its new litmus test for federal judges.

I'm sure many people who knew you will have better words to say about you at one of the two funerals being held. I hope you rest easy wheverever you are now. And I hope people will remember your lesson and prepare for these kinds of situations.