Friday, April 01, 2005

Good Bye Terri

From all accounts, you were a shy girl who shunned the limelight. It's a sad irony that your legacy will be the most public display of death and family at its ugliest.

The moral questions are the hard ones. I tend to believe these are very personal decision and not something to be determined by the religious right. It's God's will, but your life. But the rights and wrongs are pretty fuzzy. It's curious watching the Pope suffer as well. Would they ever pull the plug on him? What would that say to the world?

The political questions are the easy ones. Congress embarrassed it self by getting involved in this family matter. Some politicians obviously cared nothing for you and were simply trying to score political points. Yet I think Congress has found its new litmus test for federal judges.

I'm sure many people who knew you will have better words to say about you at one of the two funerals being held. I hope you rest easy wheverever you are now. And I hope people will remember your lesson and prepare for these kinds of situations.


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

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