Sunday, April 03, 2005

My April Fool

My dear wife is feeling a bit gullible at the moment because she fell for an intricate April Fool's Day joke. A friend pretended to have secretly gotten married. She called the friend and offered heart felt congratulations. She went on-line and started shopping for an apropriate wedding present and plane tickets so we could go visit. She even talked to work so she could rearrange her work schedule to go on vacation. Now she feels completely betrayed and will never speak to this 'friend' again.

I've always known that my wife had a gullible side. She thought that I was semi-normal and apropriate marriage material. She's still getting over that one too.


At 8:41 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

At first glance, this 'friend' seems like a wolf in sheep's clothing, a person to not be trusted. But s/he is more noble a friend than most people would realize.

As a result of this prank, your dear wife will treat surprising news a bit more skeptically and she'll be less apt to fall for similar pranks in the future. In that regard, this friend has made your dear wife a better person, even if this friend might be forever banished from your dear wife's good graces for his/her kindness.

Martyrs like this are regrettably rare. Fortunately your dear wife has found one such saint, whether or not she realizes it.


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