Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My lame attempt to avoid public service.

Once again I've been summoned for public service in the form of jury duty. I've served before. It's not really a whole lot of fun, and I'm still at that stage called "denial" where I'm trying to figure out if I can get out of it.

The date I've been summoned is two days before Number 2, who some are now referring to as "New Bubs" is expected. "Old Bubs" was three weeks early. Do I chance that New Bubs and Wifey will allow me to make itthat day and have what I consider a great excuse to get out? Or do I request an extension now because, if the baby is born on that day or a little earlier, it could be near impossible for me to make it down to the county courthouse?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nesting Wifey

It's been a fascinating morning. Wifey is all into nesting and Little J is all into making a mess. I'm just laying back to see how all this turns out. Wifey had me stacking and restacking things in the nursery this morning. Quote of the day. "I'm really not asking you to move those just to be troublesome. I really did just change my mind."

Friday, November 21, 2008

Rough week

It's been a long week for everyone in the family. Work blah, blah blah... But except for trying to extract a few warm thoughts of sympathy, there's no real reason to go into any of that.

Little J has had the worst of it. On Sunday after juking a few linebackers, she was sprinting full speed down the aisle at Safeway when she faceplanted in a row of tortillas. Although the tortillas were soft, she manages to hit the shelf and give herself a bloody lip. Although she just missed the touchdown, she deserves an A for effort.

Later in the week, she got in a wrestling match with her car seat. She got the pin, but dislocated her elbow in the process. It took three visits to the doctor as she popped it out again somehow. She's fine. Maybe she's even forgotten already, but she did learn a new word that sort of sums up a good part of life. "Hurt."

Monday, November 17, 2008

Transition strategies

The other morning Wifey needed to go to work a few minutes early, so I had to get myself and the baby out of the house in the morning. As I did, I was running through all the tasks in my head and wondering how I could ever possibly do it with a second little monster. One I can handle, but I could picture it taking an extra hour to get an extra monster the size of a bowling bowl into the car seat.

And at night. We usually tag team. After a meal, I take the kid for a bath and Wifey does post dinner clean-up. And if you're thinking, post-meal clean up has to be the easier role, you're mistaken. But with two kids we'll either never bathe them or never clean up. With a second, we just won't have enough hands, will we?

So as Obama plans his changes for the new year, we're beginning to work on ours. I'm pretty sure, we're behind right now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some post election thoughts

1. Suprisingly, Obama ranks pretty high with Little J. She's been able to identify him on TV or magazine covers for months. He seems to rank just below Dora the Explorer and Elmo with the youngest non-voting member of our household.

2. A lot of people are talking about this being the most important election in our lifetime. I actually, think the last one may have been more important. In some part, America could be forgiven for it's mistake with Junior the first time around. He ran a very disarming campaign based on principles that he never believed. Things like compassionate conserativsim and reaching across the aisle, which turned out to be surprisingly untrue. Yet, four years later, to the shock of the whole world, and after he had demonstrably lied to all of us, he got re-elected. Kerry wasn't the most inspiring fellow. But, that election where 4 more years of a right wing agenda to destroy this country were allowed to happen, may end up having more impact on America's course, than Obama may be able to fix in the next four years.

3. Another word kicking around is transformative. As if this election will somehow be more magical than all before it. I certainly hope so. But I am also wary. We've got two wars and the worst economy since the great depression to be dealing with. Better him, than McCain or anyone else the Republiskunks could have come up with. But there is much work to be done and lots of obstacles to overcome. Really, the battle is just beginning. So far, the early transition looks incredibly promising.

4. On election night, someone brought a cake that said, "Gobama." How cool is that?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Character Reference for Wifey

So last night before bed, we had some old episodes of the Gilmore Girls on TV. Luke had to go to Lorelai to request a written character reference letter to resolve a custody dispute. At this point in the story, Wifey turns to me and says, "You've never written me a character reference." I'm thinking of course I haven't. Why in the world would I have reason to? And she says, "I wonder what you would write, if you had to." Hence, here we go.

Put simply, I'd be lost without you. I am still a little boy, who gets by being half as responsible as any other adult, because I have someone twice as responsible as anyone by my side. You're my secret power ring. With you, I'm stronger, smarter better in every way. Because with you I am never alone anymore. I've got your strength, your trust with me always. Without you, I don't even know my name anymore.

Character-wise, I'm not sure what to say. You put up with me. That's all everyone needs to know about your patience, and your ability to love. And we've been together for a couple years, so you have stick-to-it-ness. You're crazier than I thought when we got married, but you could probably fairly say the same thing about me.

Bless you baby, and happy birthday.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day Experience

I like voting at the pollls. A lot of people like the ease of early voting, but I like going to the polls seeing other people there and actually watching them vote. It's watching democracy in action. Just like I like going to the store instead of ordering clothing on-line. There's just something satisfying about being there, even if it isn't as easy and all votes end up counting the same.

Maybe the new gadgetry at my polling place was all about bringing in the vote. It was like playing a video game. Spin the dial. Select the candidate. See your decisions on the screen and on the paper print out. Hit the big red button that says, "Cast Ballot". The whole thing took less than five minutes.

Maybe it took so little time because we headed out so early. Wifey and I were both up by 6:30. But we didn't know what the lines were going to be like. We also wanted to disrupt our little tyke's morning routine as little as possible. So Wifey went to vote while I got the kid changes and started the feeding. Wifey can home to take over as I went to vote and leave for work. In the old days, we just went to the polling place together.

Monday, November 03, 2008

My audacity to hope and my endorsement.

Even at this late date, there are is a percentage of the population that says their really is no choice in this election. It is just more of the same. This two to five percent of the population are going to boldly state "NONE OF THE ABOVE" by vote for Nader, McKinney and other third party folks who have no chance of winning.

I get it. There really isn't such thing as a perfect person or a perfect President. Everyone is going to walk in with their particular form of experiences and style and baggage.

And the polls that seem to be swinging the Obama way, might make some more inclined to register a protest vote. I would urge those that lean this way not to do that and reconsider voting for Obama. I would hate to see Obama lose a state like Wisconsin, Florida or Ohio because someone thought they had a throwaway vote. I would hate to see McCain elected because someone though Obama was someone's second choice behind an unrealstic idealist, non-comprehensive platform

I am hopeful that Obama can be the transformative figure that this country needs. I am hopeful that this is the first step in getting us on the right track economically, internationally, and culturally. This election is just one small important step. Let's hope we can get there.