Monday, November 03, 2008

My audacity to hope and my endorsement.

Even at this late date, there are is a percentage of the population that says their really is no choice in this election. It is just more of the same. This two to five percent of the population are going to boldly state "NONE OF THE ABOVE" by vote for Nader, McKinney and other third party folks who have no chance of winning.

I get it. There really isn't such thing as a perfect person or a perfect President. Everyone is going to walk in with their particular form of experiences and style and baggage.

And the polls that seem to be swinging the Obama way, might make some more inclined to register a protest vote. I would urge those that lean this way not to do that and reconsider voting for Obama. I would hate to see Obama lose a state like Wisconsin, Florida or Ohio because someone thought they had a throwaway vote. I would hate to see McCain elected because someone though Obama was someone's second choice behind an unrealstic idealist, non-comprehensive platform

I am hopeful that Obama can be the transformative figure that this country needs. I am hopeful that this is the first step in getting us on the right track economically, internationally, and culturally. This election is just one small important step. Let's hope we can get there.


At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't know about fl or oh, but wi is in the bag!


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