We've got to have convictions
Colonel Morris Davis has been one of the chief developers of the new court system for Guantanamo detainees that don't really fully follow any civilian law or military law. You know- those guys that Junior says we can lock up for as long as we like without a trial.
Anyhow, he has recently resigned and stepped away from the whole process because he knows the whole thing is rigged. He alleges that in an interview with his boss, William Haynes, Haynes, remarked, "Wait a minute, we can't have acquittals in our cases. If we've been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off?" As soon as this came to light, Haynes has decided he needs to spend more time with his family (this really has become a very popular euphemism.)
The point is this is theater, not justice. This is showmanship, not integrity. Morris isn't done making waves yet. He's volunteered to testify on behalf of some of the "defendants". Good for him.