Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Not just Elmo anymore.

My kid is the only one at daycare who doesn't know who Elmo is. It would be nice to believe that its only because she just hasn't been exposed to the crass commercial world of Sesame Street yet, but Elmo is on about half her diapers. (Some blue cookie addict is on the others) Maybe it's because we don't have the "Tickle Me" variety in the house.

I've been musing that a lot of people have hit on the Einstein name to promote their products to anxious parents. You've got your Baby Einstein line. I don't get their videos but the books and flash cards have been a hit. And you've got the Little Einsteins which are a bunch of musical tots with a rocketship that I usually want to strangle. I wonder how the father of relativity theory, the actual theory would feel knowing that his name was being used to overhype toys. Because you know, if you don't buy this stuff, you're kid's got no chance to be the world's biggest brain.


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