Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stuck at home.

I went to bed last night and woke up this morning without the certainty of my normal routine. The little one pulled a fever of about 103 yesterday morning and I spent the whole day at home. Last night offered some hints that she was improving. Not real snotty and her fever came down. I held out some hope that I'd be able to go into work this morning. And when she and I both got up, it seemed like she would be okay, but she's actually been sneezing a lot this morning and her fever isn't entirely gone. I don't see how I can go in today. Bummer.

I'll have to get back to work and I'll pay for this. Unfortunately, the baby being the way she is, I can't really get much done at home. And I can't quit work yet. I only got 3 numbers right on my last lottery ticket.


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was one number closer than mine.


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