Brown v Board of Ed overturned
We miss you Sandra Day. Meaness has taken over the Supreme Court leading to bad decisions affecting everyone and looks like there will be many more such bad decisions for years to come.
Free speech-The student with the sign wasn't on school property. I don't get it.
Free money-Campaign finance reform. There needs to be a balancing of this money = speech idea. Democracy depends on it.
Aetheist case- All right the taxpayers really are fishing on this one, but the court seems to draw a distinction between standing to sue Congress vs. standing to sue the executive branch. It makes little sense unless you believe in the unitary executive.
School case. So here's the logic, diversity including racial diversity is a noble goal, just don't try to use race as any sort of factor in trying to reach that goal. I actually think the court has done a pretty good job on this topic in the past. No quotas but it can be a factor. Seems to make sense to me. In about twenty years we're going to be back where we were in the fifties. Argh.
Junior has packed the court and soon he's going to have a constitutional executive privilege challenge. hmm. wonder how that one's going to go.