Friday, September 23, 2011

Palestine State

Just a quick follow up on the 10k. My time was surprisingly good enough for 7th in the 40 and over category. And now that I have a time, I have something to try and beat. I will have to try this again someday.

I know the Obama administration is all annoyed that Palestinians are asking to be recognized as Palestine. It means the US has to pull out the heavy gun, its Security Counsel veto, and appear intransigent in its support of Isreal. After that most of the world is going to vote to let Palestine in with some kind of observer status.

I actually like the move. First of all, the UN hasn't done anything difficult in a while. What's the point if they can't do anything to address global concerns. Two, the Isreal/Palestine issue really hasn't moved much in my lifetime. Maybe. Just maybe, this is the action that finally gets everyone to work it out.

Essentially, the end result needs to be the recognition of Isreal AND Palestine's right to exist. Anything short of that is just kicking this old tired can down the road some more.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Did the 10k

So I survived a ten k run yesterday. Here are my random impressions.

Eight o'clock may seem early. It meant I needed to get up at 6:30, but it's probably the best time of day to run.

It was sunny out there, where it really hasn't been sunny any of the times I've been out training here in mid-peninsula. In other words I did have to adjust to the climate a little bit.

There weren't as many people as I thought there might be. It seems like people that do these small running events seem like they are mostly pretty serious runners. I half expected everyone to be carrying ipods, but not that many did.

Most of the run was along a small trail. Passing people wasn't the easiest. And the race was out along the trail to a point and then back the other direction, so it was possible to get trapped behind people. Signage and directions weren't great, so some people were unhappy because they may have run more than they wanted to. And it seems like people take their times pretty seriously when they run these things.

I felt really good at the turn around point, but really, the race was probably about a mile too long for me. I started walking a little during the last mile. Still finished in under an hour. Not that I had that as a goal. I honestly, didn't have a clue how long it would take. It took just over 57 minutes. I guess I would do it again at some point, but not any time soon.