Ranting against another Bad idea. Prop 23
Here's another example of what's wrong with California.
In 2006, Arnie actually signed off on a law to reduce carbon emissions in the state. Good for the environment and a job creator on a lot of fronts. First, new tech needed to reach the carbon emission targets. Wind, solar etc. Second, if oceans rise and California sinks into the ocean, that there will be no jobs in California. There are 12,000 clean energy businesses in California and it is the largest area of job growth in California. Third, this may just be selfishness on my part, but I would like to breathe clean air.
But rich oil people, many from outside our state, have no interest in seeing California use less oil. It's taking money out of their pocket. Thus, they've funded a California proposition to overturn California law. They've attempted to rebrand the law as California's Job Killing Global Warming Law. They want to suspend progress in green initiatives until the unemployment drops to 5.5 for 4 quarters. Essentially, just keep things the way they are with everyone reliant on oil. The argument seems to be that energy costs will go up and we'll lose more jobs than we create. Pretty weak against land to walk on and air to breathe.
It absolutely has to be a NO on this one.