Legal Happenings
So this win goes to the anti-gay marriage folks. All that means is there will be another initiative on the next ballot reserving this Constitutional amendment. And then there will be court rulings and another initiative swinging back the other way. Eventually, it will happen. Gay marriage will be legal. So long as marriage is a civil thing, and not a pure religious thing, there is no other ultimate outcome. But in the shorter term, it's going to be a battle to see who runs out of money first.
There has to be a better way of settling this. Maybe we put two people in a ring and let them wrestle it out. These are the times that make deomcracy look too messy.
I've read all the news everyone else has read. I don't have an opinion one way or othe other about her. Lke just about everyone, I'm reserving judgement. But she was a shrewd choice and very qualified. She seems to have plenty of cred with O's base, and annoys the racist who accuse her of being a "reservse racist" to earn more cred. She seems to have just the right kind of record.
Unless she says something really really dumb, ulimtately she will be approved. It's just people need a chance to spend a whole lot of money on supporting or fighting that too. See how lawyers make money? It's not just them, but they certainly have figured out how to get their cut.