Legal loansharking
The truth of the matter is that lots of people out there with credit cards probably shouldn't have credit cards. They don't know how to use them. They don't know how to accurately evaluate financial risk in any meaningful way. They are desperate and can't pay their bills and don't realize that credit cards are just going to dig them further and further in the hole. People have signed up for lots and and lots of easy credit. People have really hurt themselves and their families when they realized that they had fallen into the traps.
But credit card companies can't blame it all on the consumers. There are lots of pretty evil practices they have in play that keep people in debt. Paying off lower interest debt before higher interest debt. Unilaterally channging an interest amount. Once they have someone in the hole, they work their darndest to keep somebody there. It's about time this gets addressed. Just another one of those things that should have been done years ago, but didn't because Junior was taking up space.
Blame it all on greed, the flaw of being human.
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