Monster Night
10:30 After celebrating Chinese New Year with the in-laws, put the older monster down in bed. Attempted to brush her teeth, but gave up when it was clear that she was too tired to even open her mouth.
11:00 Feed second monster. Burp her. Hold her. As I feed her in the other hand I am holding the latest Time Magazine. I read about how the banks have lost billions in value.
12:00 For the last half hour I have tried to put second monster down to bed. But for some reason, this seems to always be the time she is most awake. She cries and cries until given a second feeding. This seems to be her pattern. She needs a double feeding at this hour.
2:15 Second monster is screaming for yet another feeding. Wifey is up for pumping. We do the same thing, feed and burp. By this point I"m up to the article about stem cells. Are one day embryos the moral equivalent of a six year old? Than why can you freeze embryos but not six year olds? In large part this article was a post mortem about the advances we have failed to make in this promising area of science because of lack of political will at the top. Scientists are hoping to step out of the dark ages soon.
2:30 While finishing up with the second monster, first monster begins screaming at the top of her lungs. After blowing through her regular bed time, I would have thought she would have slept through easily, but she seems to need some additional comforting. In the old days, I would have just grabbed her and dropped her in our bed, but the second monster was there at the moment and we couldn't fit both of them. I put first monster in her new big girl bed and slept with her there.
4:50 I hear Wifey calling from the other room. I need to feed the second monster again. This is payback. During the weekdays when I am working, she does most of the work at night. During the weekend, it's my turn to suffer. But she at least makes it easier by getting everything together.
6:50 Second monster again. Same thing. Too tired to read. Barely keeping my eyes open.
8:00 First monster howling. I put second monster in the pack'n play and put the first monster in our bed, but she'll have none of that. She's ready for Dora the Exporer, Cherios and milk. The day next day has begun, whether or not I've had enough sleep. And truthfully, I'm not sure the day is going to be any easier.