Every perp gets one shot free.
The wheels of justice are slowly grinding out in Florida over the death of this Martin kid. I don't know all the facts, but it seems like this didn't need to happen and I hope that the family gets the justice they deserve. Instead, they might get screwed by a terrible law.
In this case, justice seems to be at odds with the asinine law in the state of Florida. Traditionally, if there is a dispute and someone argues that they killed someone in self defense, the burden is on that person claiming self defense to proof he felt his life was at risk and that's why he took the drastic actions he did. You should have to explain yourself. Why didn't you have any other choice? Why were you forced to kill this person?
The Florida law switches the burden of proof on its head. If someone asserts that it was self defense, it becomes the burden of the state to prove that you actually didn't act in self defense. The state needs to find enough evidence to prove that you are lying. Usually, the only two people who can speak to that are the dead guy and the guy claiming it was self defense. In this Martin case, Zimmerman has claimed self defense and now the state is trying to prove that he wasn't forced to take this action. Although many people believe that's the case, it's tough to prove.
I'm thinking if I ever want to kill someone, I'm inviting them to take a trip to South Beach. And when they ask me why I did it I'm saying self defense under Jeb Bush's law.
In some twisted up NRA logic I'm sure this is supposed to make people safer. Something about if everyone has a gun and can claim self defense, we're all going to behave better. In reality, people are getting away with murder and being put right back on the streets if they are ever charged. Very bad law.