Wednesday, March 30, 2005

New Blog Anxiety

I've been thinking about what I want this blog to be. I'm not doing it for an audience. It's purely for my own entertainment. (ooh literary masturbation and it's only my second entry.)

I can't say what it will be yet, but I know what it won't be.

1. I will never tell you what I had for dinner or show pictures of food that you aren't eating.
2. I will never tell you who I had dinner with either.
3. I will never comment on what anyone is wearing. I'm not the fashion police.
4. Only on rare occasion will I comment on or review any book, CD, movie or sports topic.
5. I will never comment on reality TV.
6. If I'm really hard up for material, I might attach a photo of my cat, but I will never post a photo of myself.

Let's see how long I go before I break one of these rules.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

First Edition

For the first time I find myself blogging. I feel like I should issue a mission statement.

I am using this blog to practice my writing skills and spark my creative thinking in hopes of writing bigger bolder projects some day.

There you go.