Thursday, January 10, 2008

Recent Randoms and Writing update.

Little J is at that stage where I'm constantly reminded of onomatopoeia and the word, pitter-patter.

These are fascinating times, watching the country choose its next leader. It's important, and encouraging that more people seem to be paying attention. Still, I worry, that people get wrapped up in the pundit heavy news cycles and can't distinguish the real news out there, from the not real news that looks like real news. Just try to keep all that in mind. The media will never be as good a safe-guard as the thinking mind.

The other day I imagined America as a person. Right now, she'd be sitting on the couch, trying to figure out what she wants in life, with all kind of conflicting thoughts, and only knowing it needs to change. That's what our country looks like right now.

As always, one of my resolutions for the new year is to try and work on my writing more. Yes, I'm still working on the beginning of my novel. It's been interesting. With a short story, I usually don't need a whole lot of creative thought before I start typing. I-I is usually enought. For a novel, I feel like things need to be worked out a lot more before you can write meaningfully. Sort of like in my head the thoughts have to go I---------------------------------------------------I before I can really get into it. That's why after a year, I'm still on my first few pages. Much tougher work.


At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with beginning a novel. Wonder if writing in snippets would help. Keep up with the --------------------------------, it just may get somewhere.


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