Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bad Gas

I think I'll try the dialogue thing again. It worked for ancient Greek geeks and for the moment it works for me. If anyone has an idea who should be cast in these roles let me know.

Detroit: We make bad cars. We know we do. So we need your help to stay in business. If we throw lots of money at you, can you make this global warming thing go away?

D.C.: Well, thanks to Al, Katrina and some dying polar bears, people are starting to overcome the bad science argument we've been throwing out there for years. Even if the CO2 levels aren't changing, the political climate sure is. I'll try and protect you, but you've got to give me something.

Detroit: But we're losing money. How about that California thing about fuel efficiency? If we make more fuel efficient cars, we're doomed.

D.C.: Yeah, but tens of millions of people want it, including the Gubernator. I know he can't run for President, but he still scares me.

Detroit: Please... Pretty please.

D.C.: Okay, how about this, we'll have make it part of our new energy bill. We'll continue to let my oil company buddies get billions in tax breaks, and we'll pass some wimpier efficiency standards. Stuff you can do now without any effort whatsoever. And when it passes, I'll get the EPA to say California's plan has been pre-empted by federal law. Then they can't touch you.

Detroit: Not idea, but if that's the best you can truly do.

D.C.: I think it is.

Detroit: Okay. Screw California.


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