Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Publicity Stunt in Annapolis.

Did anyone realize there is a middle east peace conference going on right now? Does anyone think any sort of peace accord is going to be reached through this conference? Does anyone think this conference is going to lead to meaningful discussions that will eventually lead to a peace accord anywhere in the next five years?

Everyone wants peace in that region of the world. Despite all their actions to destabalize the region, on some level, I think even, Junior and Condi would like to see a lasting resolution to the Isreali-Palistinian conflict. And no, these complex problems aren't solvable all at once, but they've set a really low bar for expectations in the next couple of days. Isreal only agreed to sit at the table if everyone agreed not to talk about anything essential.

It almost doesn't matter what is said or done at the conference. Condi and Junior will pose for pictures with Middle Eastern leaders and declare the conference a "__(fill-in big adjective here i.e. complete, resounding, unparalleled,)_" success. Even though not a whit will have changed.

It's weird. It's a show. It's almost more important that everyone appears like they're talking than they actually talk. The diplomats will get some coverage and legitamacy at home (and probably a good meal). And Junior will get some credit for facilitating talks to cover up the warts from everything else he touches there.


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