Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Conversation with Al and Jordan at the North Pole.

Al: Hey Rid, what's up?

Rid: Al? Is that you? How is Oslo?

Al: Not bad. I'm surprised how much they like to party up in Norway. But people are making too big a deal of the whole thing.

Rid: Don't be silly, Al. You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize this year. I'm happy that the prize committe was able to look beyond the usual human rights advocacy and nation-state diplomacy to recognize that the environment is one of the most important factors in peace and war. It's all about scarce resources that are becoming more and more scarce.

Al: Well thanks. Hey, and I took your advice about the speech. Instead of using the same joke I've been using to open all my Inconvenient Truth talks, I started with a homily about Alfred Nobel. I think it went over pretty well.

Rid: That's great.

Al: Anyway, Rid, I've got a favor to ask.

Rid: Anything. What do you need?

Al: Well, I know there are great scientists all over the world studying the impact of global warming. There are projects studying polor bears on one end of the globe and there are projects studying penguins on the other. But until just now it's slipped my mind to ask someone who actually lives at the North Pole.

Rid: Santa?

Al: Yeah. But the problem is I've got a pretty busy schedule and...

Rid: You haven't talked to him since that night in San Felipe with the the marguiritas and the fisherman's three daughters, have you?

Al: Well, that did end a bit awkward...

Rid: Okay, I get it. I'm pretty busy at work, but I think I can squeeze it in on Sunday. I'm just hoping he's available. This is a pretty busy time of year for him.

Al: Great, thanks. You should bring Jordan up there. I'm sure she'd love a chance to meet the guy.

Rid: Yeah, maybe I'll do that. She probably needs the brownie points to get off the naughty list. Hey, so you're sure about '08?

Al: Yeah, Rid. I don't know what I was ever thinking running for president the last time. You couldn't pay me enough to do that job.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

You're weird.

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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