Monday, January 21, 2008

Upcoming Story

I've just been notified that another on-line journal has accepted one of my short stories for publication. They've asked for a bio sketch. For some reason that's a lot more stressful to me than actually submitting the story. I mean, what do I want to say about myself? It's not like I do this professionally. Can't the story just stand for itself? I guess I should welcome the marketing opportunity, but until I have that novel to promote, I don't have much to say.

It's unlikely, but I'm also curious if this story stirs up any controversy for folks. The religious right could end up denouncing me. So in the near future, I think I'm going to offer up some explanation as to my thoughts behind this piece and for me the very uncomfortable topic of religion. But for now, let me just make two sweeping statements that I'll get to later.
1. I believe in God.
2. I accept evolution as scientific fact.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evolution is a scientific theory, not scientific fact. It is a theory supported by over 100 years of scientific research. But it is still a well documented, well researched scientific theory, not a scientific fact.The confusion arises with a scientist's definition of a 'theory' vs. that of the general public.

Intelligent Design is also a "theory", but not a scientific theory by any stretch of the imagination.

No comment on the God theory.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Rid said...

Actually, I realize that evolution is a theory. I guess my real point is I accept the facts that build the case for evoultion. Most young earthers can't even get their minds around dinosaur bones. As if they can make facts just go away.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Lilstar said...

can i read it?


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