Monday, August 16, 2010

Update on the kids

Little S has really been making strides in the right direction. She can't get into a sitting position by herself yet, but if put in that position, she can generally sit for several minutes on her own. She can't crawl yet, but she's beginning to scoot around. She's curious about things and will move around to try to reach them. She can bear weight, but she doesn't walk yet. But these are good things. But as she gets more curious about the world, she is challenging us a bit more. She really doesn't like to be held for long periods of time anymore. Feeding takes forever, because she's going to try to grab the spoon, fork or anything else within her grasp. She's been on a recent kick of getting up at 3 in the morning, which seems to indicate, that she likes to get up around then and wants some stimulation. It doesn't seem to be about eating or diaper changing, just boredom. At least she's a good co-sleeper. She sticks to her place in the bed. With J, it was always a foot in the face, and then her yelling, when I tried to gently remove her toe from my nostril.

But every little milestone with her still seems like a big deal. Now we put her in high chair and she can't grasp and eat Cherios by herself, but she's very interested in throwing them on the floor. And yes, even my cleaner half can deal with that. It's a good milestone. But J has been yelling at her about that. J knows at 3 if she threw food around in the same manner, she would be getting a time-out. So she yells at S, because the parents haven't been. Okay, so we're applying a double standard, based on age and ability, but J doesn't get that. Even though we keep telling her that it's different because S is a baby. I'm not sure how to make that sink in.

At the CP support group, one of the parents was talking about how special needs kids can end up pretty spoiled. Parents are so happy when they do anything, that they get away with murder. I think he's probably right in large part, but I don't know what to do about that yet.


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to hear about her progress. It take special people like you and wifey to be parents of kids with special needs. Eventually little J will learn from your example. Have faith!


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