Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not blogged in a while.

Quick thoughts. The oil spill in China is making me doubt that we really have safe technology for drilling oil off shore. Given the extreme cost of these large oil spills, a moratorium seems reasonable to me. I understand that oil is money, but I'm surprised more people don't think we need to stop drilling right now.

Obama just signed the financial reform bill today. I'm surprised that only 3 Republicans signed on. Do the others think reforms weren't necessary? The entire world is still crawling out of the crises created by bad bets on Wall Street. It's taken two years so far, and will probably take several more. How could they want business as usual? They are afraid that we are driving the financial industry overseas. I think, these regulations will have the opposite effect. People will trust a regulated industry and be more likely to invest in the US. It's what's happened in the past.

2300 pages for this bill. I think the initial founding of the SEC took about 12. A lot is still open to interpretation. It should keep the lawyers and lobbists and government types employed for a long time.


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