Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Some quick election day thoughts.

That woman Orly Queen of the Birthers is running for Secretary of State in California. She's running on a platform that all voters and all people running for office need to supply a birth certificate or some other nonsense. Word is she actually stands a fair shot of winning the Republican nomination today. I'm curious to know if she's actually paid the $20k in fines that have been handed out by the courts for her bogus Obama attacks. Somehow she's still waiting for that smoking gun that Obama was born in Kenya.

And yes, it doesn't matter who becomes California's next governor. Not for the big issues anyway. Whoever it is will be just an ineffective as Arnie and probably never get approval ratings above 30%. The State is just built so no one will address any issues.

Funny quirk though. All Republicans want more tax cuts. And of course, even though they don't advertise it less services for everyone. Prop 13 requires 2/3 approval for any tax hikes, but there's nothing like that for tax cuts. What it essentially means, is once you've lost that revenue stream, you're never getting it back. Sooner or later, that's going to just kill the State.


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