July 4th weekend.
I'm not sure if there's any significance to 39 other than it's really close to 40. I guess it's my last year to enjoy the 30s. I guess I could reflect on this more next year, but it's been a more settled period of life than any other. I know who I am and who I am not. I know that nothing I do, I truly do alone and that is a great comfort. I became a dad. That is a challenge that I haven't figured out yet. I don't know if that challenge ever ends.
I guess if I'm going to try and set one goal for the year, it would be to try and finish my novel by the time I turn 40. I know it's never going to happen, but at least it's something to strive for.
It's been a good quiet weekend. On Saturday we saw my family. My brother and his wife are expecting soon, and they are going through all the excitement that brings. We saw my Grandma, who looked pretty good. On Sunday, we saw Wifey's side of the family. Her sister and brother-in law are one year further down the road having had their first child last year. They seem to be doing pretty good as parents.
My kids got to see everyone and maybe in some way understood that they are lucky to have so much family around who will play with them and love them. Today, we got to spend time with them and we took them to the new Korean restaurant in town.
I couldn't ask for a better weekend, other than to extend it even longer than three days. And maybe the fireworks would have been nice.
Back to the grind tomorrow.
enjoy your last year in the 30s!
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