Friday, February 23, 2007

It's the plot stupid.

I just got back from spending another two hours in a local cafe. J was agreeable enough to sleep in her stroller as I sat with two yellow pads of paper and attempted to outline. From the writing guide I've been looking at you should have 90% of your plot generated before you get into it. Sadly enough, I'm not there. Not even close. Part of me senses that a novel may be too big a project. Short stories seem okay. It's just about getting from point A to point B. Novel writing feels like it requires points C, D, E, F and G too. At least that much. It may take me longer than I thought to get a plot that I'm really happy with. If anyone's got any burning story ideas that they want to share, let me know.

In other news, congratulations to little J who marks her 4th month today. For her each day of the last month has been roughly 1/120th of her life and 1/12,800 of my life. Yet, I'm sure it's left a greater impression on me than on her.


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