Monday, January 29, 2007

Tet yet tet yuk yet yuk

Roughly translated from Cantonese this expression says, "Kick one kick, move one move." It applies very well to the type of laziness I am afflicted with and as a result I hear it constantly, usually in a verey exasperated tone. I don't think of myself as physically lazy. If there's something to do, I'm pretty willing to get up and do it. I just don't want to think about it. What I truly am is mentally lazy.

For instance I'll wash the dishes. I'll wash them all and put them away. But if the counter hasn't been wiped down and its got food gunk all over it, unless I'm reminded that I should do it, it never occurs to me. I think about how I got my task done instead of thinking about how the kitchen is still messy.

I'm easily distracted. I'm just wired that way.


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