Sunday, February 18, 2007

Stegasaurus and Writing

Does anyone have any thoughts on what kind of noise a stegasaurus would make? Old McDonald is going to have an especially large assortment of animals on his farm as far as little Jodi is going to know.

I've been thinking about trying a novel again. It's a much larger take over life sort of project that short story writing. And I'm not sure I'm ready just quite yet. I'm just pushing some ideas I have around in the old noggin.

I've recently looked at one of those guidebooks on how to write a book in 2 weeks or less. I can't put together a good short story in that time, let alone a novel, but it does offer some nice tips on letting you know when you are ready to start writing. First off, you should have at least 10 really interesting things to say about a subject. I've got a bout five. I need to brainstorm a few more.

Secondly you need at least two but preferably three significant things to say.

So in the next two weeks I'm going to see if I can organize some thoughts enough to find some interesting and significant things I could throw into a novel.


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