Monday, February 19, 2007

First day of the novel.

This book writing guide has several unique exercises. I'm working through some of the exercises and I am determined to be organized and have things thought out before I actually start writing. Today, I spent a couple of hours at Starbucks thinking about things. For a few minutes writing a letter to my readers so I could state what I'm trying to accomplish. This is probably as specific as I'll ever get about my project.

Dear Reader:

Do you ever wonder why life is so unfair? Why is one born a poor Hutu in Rowanda subject to genocide when another is born with a silver spon and access to all the riches and comforts life has to offer. Where is the justice in a talentless Paris Hilton earning millions for whaever she does? Religious people will cite ultimate justice, that there will be justice in the next life, but how will this work?

In this story I will try to explore the ideal of ultimate justice. That in the end, we will all share in the entirety of human experience. We will all know the life of Paris, as we will know the life of Che Guevera, as we will know the life of Bill Buckner. That all of human experience will belong to all of us. All sin belongs to all of us. Thus, you should be as kind as possible to everyone else in this world, because ultimately, their suffering is your suffering.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

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