Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who me?

So one of the things that irks me is that in the long run it doesn't really matter that the crazies are holding the American people hostage. What they will do is destroy the credit of the US government then run the for the election based on Obama's handling of the economy including jobs and including that this was the guy in charge when the US lost its credit rating. History gets revised faster than history actually happens.

Easy examples are Republicans continually getting credit for fiscal responsibility when everyone from Reagan to Junior continually blew the budget. Does anyone remember Junior engaged us in two unpaid for wars? And the tea party storyline seems to be that Freddie & Fannie some semi-public entities were responsible for the whole credit swap mess. AIG, Godman, and lax oversight had nothing to do with it.

The game plan seems to be to blow the whole thing up, then blame the reasonable people who are trying to govern and for some reason it seems to work.


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