California Budget Proposal
So since he's been elected, Jerry Brown has been trying to tacke the $25 billion budget deficit in California. He's offered a couple proposals, but unable to get a single Republican to agree to a single dollar more in taxes, so not much has happened. He's made the easy cuts to reduce the budget by about half, but taht's it. So the fair question was, what the hell do the Republicans actually want? What's their answer? Yesterday we found out.
$2.4 billion from early childhood programs and mental health case services.
$1.3 billion adult health care centers, in home support for elderly and disabled people and CalWORKS programs for the working poor.
$ 1 billion for 10 percent pay cuts for every state employee.
And assuming $ 5 billion more in tax receipts.
So it's screw the disabled, the old, the poor, and the children. I realize taht no one likes new taxes, but this is ridiculous.
Thinking about this some more, I realize that some organizations have pushed back saying that these kinds of budget cuts are immoral. I'm curious where people would draw the line, and how far past the line the Republicans are willing to go
It's as bloodcurdling as the Boogiemen. I guess it was Friday the 13th.
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