Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Holding it Together

Here's my crazy thought of the day. I saw a posting on Yahoo about Glee and the 10 biggest dropped story lines. I sometimes get really annoyed at dropped storylines. I really liked Friday Night Lights, but these had some things going on that they just dropped with no resolution, that made no logical sense that just drove me crazy. Some characters just seemed to disappear not only from the story, but somehow from everyone's collective memory as well. I get it. TV. You need to "suspend" your brain a bit to believe. And I like a good story as much as anybody. I'm willing to do that. But is it too much to ask a story universe to hold together a little?

But here's where my thought is really going. There's been some talk these days about cognitive dissonance. Essentially, when a person holds conflicting ideas, they have a strong motivation to reduce the dissonance. So politically speaking, a right wing nut will dismiss actual provable fact because it doesn't jive with their world view.

I'm wondering whether the flash of too much media with little attention to logic actually contributes to cognitive dissonance. We watch TV where storylines don't make sense, thereby when crazy politicians make no sense, no one bats an eye. Our ability to suspend belief has become too great.

Just making a small observation and wondering if it makes any sense.


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