Monday, February 28, 2011

Libya is done

I remember as a kid seeing Libya get bombed and wondering if they really deserved it. Looking back now, I think it was the right choice at the time. It's the pacificst in me, not liking violence ever being the right choice. If you forget, it was in retaliation for a terrorist attack by a crazy madman. As crazy as Saddam in Iraq was, he never did attack innocent Americans.

It's long overdue that Gadhafi goes. I guess it should be no surprise that after being a leader with delusions of grandeur for 40 years, it's hard to shake that stuff. Two thoughts on this. One it's incredible the speed at which the world is changing. Two fallen governments in northern Africa in the first month of the year and one more sure to come. He's just delaying the inevitable at this point. Two. This is what most revolutions would be expected to look like. Not that Egypt or Tunisia are now the most stable places in the world, but so far, the bloodshed has been controlled and those people deserved to be commended for that.

I remember Reagan getting a lot of credit for bringing an end to the cold war. The argument was that he stood tough and he spend a lot of money which made the USSR spend a lot of money. Eventually, the USSR ran out of money and that's what lead to the change in government. I think this storyline pretty much missed what was going on with the people of the Soviet Union themselves. Really this change came from them. I wonder if someday people are going to argue that Obama did something to create a wave of democracy throughout the middle east. Again, I think that would miss the point. Though I do think this does have to be Obama's number one priority at the moment.


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