Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Brand New School Year

The first of June brings about another possible dramatic event in our lives and a milestone for Little J. At 3.5 she's venturing on to her third school. Long time readers will remember that at 2.5 she lasted about two weeks before being kicked out of her first school, an initial wrong step in her educational career that the parents will never forget.

So she's been attending a co-op program about 5 hours a week, with great teaches, lots of parents, and an incredible amount of room to explore and be a kid. It has not been the easiest school year for us. We've had a cop job that took a million hours and the pick up and drop offs were an ongoing struggle even with the assistance of the local grandparents. J loves it there.

But her current co-op doesn't have a full summer session. And next year there are two potential programs, either a three day program or a 4 day nursery school program. Each comes with additional parent challenges that we aren't equipped for. We were supposed to be in-class at least once a week this year and we couldn't manage that and manage our issues with #2.

So today she starts a bi-lingual full day school. Essentially it's English most of the day with a 2 hour Chinese School program thrown in. They also provide organic lunches. J has matured a lot in the last year. We're hoping that there won't be any issues. We're 90% confident that she's pottytrained enough, and ready enough to handle the slightly more academic program.

Wifey called a couple hours ago and J seems to be adjusting fine on Day 1. It doesn't sound like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but we've discovered there is little that is less settling than not having your daycare/school situation in place.


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