Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mistakes were made.

Does anybody remember the last time there was positive news out of Junior's Whitehouse? It seems like there's been an endless barrage of incompetence and political scandal for years now. Even the trial and execution of Saddam was botched.

The title to this entry was what Junior had to say about the last episode involving the purge of highly qualified prosecutors for political reasons. Gonzo has said there were performance related issues, but none of that seems to be documented. The purge victims seem like stellar attorneys. But the truth of the matter is, these attorneys do serve at the pleasure of the President. Lacking a real president, if Junior does not like these attorneys he's within his right to fire them. The simple thing would have been for Gonzo to just say as much. But maybe because Junior and Gonzo are already on a horrible losing streak or maybe deep down people believe competent people should not be fired for their political beliefs, or maybe because it seems like the Republiskunks seemed to be politicicing political scandals, this story has gained real traction. Now it looks like Gonzo is going going gone and the horrible streak under a horrible administration continues.

Back to the title of this entry for a bit. This is Bush's most defining characteristic. The ability to sound contrite without really accepting responsibility or placing blame. Mistakes were made? By whom? Anyone?


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