Monday, June 12, 2006

On its way.

If it wasn't obvious from the phrasing or the brevity of the email (purposely kept short to minimize the opportunity for grammatical error) or the fact I would never claim to be wise the last posting on this blog was the 2nd ever appearance of Wifey as Guest Blogger. She poses an interesting hypothetical that may have but most likely did not happen in reality and/or Crinkle World.

One topic I've eluded to in passing a couple times but not really expounded on is Wifey's pregnancy. She's doing well and next week we should be learning the gender of the new addition. It is great to think that we're having a kid. It's a definite life changer, but something we're as ready for as we're ever going to get. Already, we're moving and thinking ahead because we know there will be this little helpless infant depending on us. We talk about it all the time.

But I have to admit, it's somewhat unreal to me at this point. This is all happening to her body. She can feel it with every breath. She's the one who has to change diet and lifestyle and everything. So far I'm just a spectator at the back of the bus along for the ride. (Though somehow I'm gaining weight too.) All I can do is pat her belly and note that it is somewhat larger than it was last week. (As is mine.)

There are dozens of blogs out there with neurotic women detailing each and every last detail of being pregnant. Usually they scream at their husbands, at their doctors, and everyone else in the world for not understanding the changes they are going through, the suffering they are enduring as if every mother in the world hadn't gone through the same thing at some time, but I'm not there. I'm just glad I'm a guy and don't have to endure the whole thing for nine months.


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