Friday, May 12, 2006

Who's calling who?

I spent more time on the phone last night than I typically spend in a month. And apparently, the NSA and Junior might know about that already, because I was speaking with an AP reporter and maybe I was one of his sources on a news leak and maybe the current regime is doing that information these days under the guise of "national security".

It sounds like USA Today got the news out yesterday and some Congressmen declared outrage, but the American people really didn't care. They seem to be faced with the choice of "little black box program that is illegal and may threaten your civil liberties" vs. "Junior says this will help us catch terrorists" and people continue to choose, "What Junior says." It's a little surprising considering his low approval ratings and lack of credibility domestically or internationally.

I'm not sure if I should be worried yet. I'm trying to figure out the implications. If I call a gay friend who's a part of a gay advocacy group, does that mean my number has been flagged? If I know someone who knows something about computer viruses and I call him about what happened in the Sharks game last night, is that tracked? Probably not. But we're on that sort of slippery slope right now. Pay attention.


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