Friday, June 09, 2006

Moving sucks

I've lived many places in my life. I've moved many times. I think between the time I was 18 and 30 I has about 13 addresses. It's been a great experience. I spent time in Taiwan, and I got very familiar with the Bay Area, living in South Bay, SF and the peninsula at different times.

But during that phase of my life, I travelled pretty light. Now there's more stuff and moving is more daunting. Or maybe because this is the first place where I was an owner and this is the first home I was sharing with someone since I was a kid. Whatever it may be, moving is tougher this time.

Still it's in full swing. We've been working on different aspects of the move with a full cast of supporting characters. Everything for the new place seems to be going well. We've selected the place, and maybe that's the hard part. It's just a matter of getting the paperwork together over the next few weeks.

The hard part is getting our place ready for the open market. Each night, we pack up a little piece of our life and box it, knowing that we won't be able to see it or use it for a couple weeks. It's our stuff and no one else really wants to see it, so we're putting it aside to fetch top dollar. It'll probably be a couple months before we really feel settled again. Just in time for that little one on the way.


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