Sunday, September 04, 2005

Why Fishing?

Yesterday I rose at 5 am and slightly before sunrise at 6:30 we were already at the lake with our hooks in the water trying to catch trout. Hemmingway and his Old Man By the Sea and Melville with his Moby Dick have already explained the search for truth and God through the challenges of sea creatures before. Sitting in the chilly morning wind, my thoughts didn't turn to such deep reasons for fishing. I just wanted to catch a fish to prove that I could do it. That even though I was a 21st century dude with no need to hunt or fish in this modern society, that if it really came down to it, I would have enough basic skill to provide for some food for myself. Suffice it to say, that six hours of futility prove that I would suffer a prolonged hungry death. But I will try again, and one day instead of coming home with another story of futility I will have a fish to chomp down on.

Today, I drove 300 miles. It was a round trip venture to Sacramento for some barbeque. At least I can drive and eat food that once had parents when it is presented to me.


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