Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I think one of the great challenges in writing fiction is being able to step into multiple roles at one time. Characters have to have different voices and not sound alike. And at the same time the overall dialogue needs to have rhythm and purpose. Given one set of circumstance each character should react just a little bit differently because each real person would. I'm onto rough sketch of Chapter 3. Still years away from ever getting through this novel.

The other day my six year old nephew stood in front of my car so I couldn't park. After thirty seconds he walked over to the window and asked, "So why didn't you run me over?"

My wife's voice would have been, "Because we didn't want you to get hurt. We love you afterall."

My voice, "It's a new car and I didn't want to get it dirty." I don't know how to answer like a sensitive human being and my wife doesn't know how to answer like a little boy.


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