Friday, April 17, 2009

Torture Memos

Surprise, surprise. The CIA under Junior tortured people. The memos are out. I have myself for sounding like a pragmatic centrist at the moment, but I think Obama is doing the right thing. Release the info, recognize the errors of the past (and lay blame where it belongs), and declare a new way of doing things. Obama has also said he's not going after any American agents that may have engaged in torture.

It would be nice to string up the very bad people who did very bad things to many people in the name of America. But for a lot of practical reasons, this isn't that easy to do. All these agents were given fig leafs to protect themselves. They are all going to be able to point to the legal memos and just say that they did what they were told. What Gonzo and crew told them was within Junior's constitutional authority to do. It's going to be nearly impossible to prove anyone guilty of anything when they're saying the POTUS said it was okay. A case can be made, but even in this era of turning over a new leaf, I don't think it would work.

I also don't think it would be the best use of our resources. Like it our not, we need an intelligence service. Yes, they should be guided by ethics just like everyone else, but I think this would put a big quash on anyone ever wanting to work at the intelligence agencies (oxymoron?)

Do I think, we should go higher up on the food chain? Again, Cheney and Junior are the ones who really deserve to be tried and convicted. Do I think this is the right time for that sort of thing? Not really. History and higher powers will be their judges.

I've heard one interesting thought. The people who wrote memos carving up the Consitution and giving all legal authority to do what they want in the time of war- these people should probably be reprimanded by their respective bar associations. It will never happen, but a sanction on that front is deserved.


At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn’t agree more. After the smoke clears, if you follow the chain of command up, who will you find at the end? History has already begun to judge. Better to use the resource to wipe clean the mess than to dig up the dung pile. Let it rot.


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