Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Voter Fraud Fake Out

If you believed some people, voter fraud is the greatest threat to our democracy. Illegal aliens and people who vote more than once and/or vote in more than one district threaten the very integrity of America's election process. Interesting argument. I think about everyone would agree that it should be one person one vote, so if there's an issue of fraud it needs to be addressed. The problem is it's more myth than fact. Indiana passed new stringest voter ID requirements. The rationale was to prevent voter fraud. But the number of voter fraud cases reported in Indiana that prompted this new law? None. Zilch. Nada.

I think in the last election cycle, nation wide, they busted about twenty people for some sort of voter fraud. But now we get to the real reason for the voter fraud noise. Untold numbers of people were intimidated from exercising their right to vote. Across the country, these laws were used to challenge the votes of predominately, poor, non-white individuals. Thousands were challenged. And it's impossible to count how many more didn't vote because of the fear of this sort of intimidation. These people were falsely told they could not vote without valid driver's lisences, or numerous other untrue reasons. The deep dirty secret is most of these people tend to vote democratic.

If you're one of these people who might have your vote challenged for some illegal reason, I'd like to say, don't be afraid. Excercise your right. These people are punks. Don't be afraid of them.


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