Friday, October 05, 2007

Yet another reason to be pissed at Junior

You should be able to believe a President of the United States when he stands up and says the United States of America does not torture people. That should be a given, but in this day and age, with this particular President, no one can believe him. His innumerable lies have made what should be a simple re-assertion of respect for human dignity and truth a wimpish denial that no one can be. I wonder if Junior understands that our trust has been eroded over time and we have long lost the ability to give him the benefit of the doubt. If the citizens of this country can't believe him, who can? We've all seen the pictures. We know his statements are boldfaced lies. If this was all on the up and up, why the secret DOJ memo in the first place? There was already a public memo in 04. He was just looking for some more secret CYA.

There's another thing about torture that's bothering me. In Junior's denial he speaks of doing what is necessary to interrogate people to secure our country. Multiple studies have proven that torture doesn't work too well in that regard. After a certain point, most people will say anything to get the torture to stop. Information obtained by torture is not worth a lot when the veracity is immediately in doubt. What torture is really about is intimidation. People have a way of shutting up and not raising issues with their governments when they are scared that there's no habeas corpus and the government tortures people. Things that used to be and still should be viewed as abhorent in a democracy.


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

The book eloquently reviewed here might shed some light on how this administration operates.


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