Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Next sports scandal

I saw an article earlier suggesting that by it's very nature, sports in general and in particular football require actions that push the boundaries of the rules. Patriot's coach, Belichick, and his interpretation of the rules is just a product of this competitive game.

Anybody see anything wrong with that?

1. This is the same sort of rule "interpretation" that gets Paris Hilton and Junior think of as their entitlement. Somehow, and it probably starts from the very top with Junior, we've all become a nation of lawbreakers.

2. This is the white guy getting the soft peddle instead of the Bonds treatment. I honestly think we'd have a different story if it was a coach of color. The media colors things a certain way. As much as I have always disliked Vick, I do think he got railroaded a bit in the end. He didn't hurt the integrity of his profession as this latest scoundrel has

This is one of those willful, I'm going to disregard the rules thing because it's going to help ME win. He should personally be fined and suspended and it probably makes sense to take some draft picks. I hate that sports TV and sports radio will be covering this story ad nauseum in the next few weeks. Especially, since most of them will say the wrong thing.


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